Saturday, April 5, 2008


As an ipod user overdrive is wholly disappointing. I read their "hope for a future arrangement" but I'm skeptical. When I first heard the library carried downloadable books and music I was thrilled then when I realized none of the music applies to me I was bummed. I read the tutorial and think it is easy to use. However, whenI did searches on audio books that I've recently checked out at the library only one of six was found in overdrive. I put in lots of teen titles (since I have 2 teenagers) and one of 8 was located. In the youth area there were some classics but not much recent material. Even the one series they had only the early 2 books not the third and that one came out 2 years ago. Quite surprising.

I wonder if the overdrive is used often? and if so by patrons in what age category?

I can see it being of value to some people but not me.

1 comment:

Terzah said...

Your iPod complaints is shared by many (including me--and I have a Mac at home, too, so I can't use it at home at all). Unfortunately there isn't a library downloadable audiobook vendor out there who can work with Apple yet, so keep your fingers crossed that things do improve.

As for the circ stats for Overdrive, they are way up over when we first got it (about two years ago). More major publishers are signing on, so hopefully the selection will get better too.